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•php函数•阅读 352 - function imagebmp($img,$file="",$rle=0)
- {
- $colorcount=imagecolorstotal($img);
- $transparent=imagecolortransparent($img);
- $istransparent=$transparent!=-1;
- if($istransparent) $colorcount--;
- if($colorcount==0) {$colorcount=0; $bitcount=24;};
- if(($colorcount>0)and($colorcount<=2)) {$colorcount=2; $bitcount=1;};
- if(($colorcount>2)and($colorcount<=16)) { $colorcount=16; $bitcount=4;};
- if(($colorcount>16)and($colorcount<=256)) { $colorcount=0; $bitcount=8;};
- $width=imagesx($img);
- $height=imagesy($img);
- $zbytek=(4-($width/(8/$bitcount))%4)%4;
- if($bitcount<24) $palsize=pow(2,$bitcount)*4;
- $size=(floor($width/(8/$bitcount))+$zbytek)*$height+54;
- $size+=$palsize;
- $offset=54+$palsize;
- // bitmap file header
- $ret = 'bm'; // header (2b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword($size); // size of file (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword(0); // reserved (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword($offset); // byte location in the file which is first byte of image (4b)
- // bitmap info header
- $ret .= int_to_dword(40); // size of bitmapinfoheader (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword($width); // width of bitmap (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword($height); // height of bitmap (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_word(1); // biplanes = 1 (2b)
- $ret .= int_to_word($bitcount); // bibitcount = {1 (mono) or 4 (16 clr ) or 8 (256 clr) or 24 (16 mil)} (2b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword($rle); // rle compression (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword(0); // width x height (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword(0); // bixpelspermeter (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword(0); // biypelspermeter (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword(0); // number of palettes used (4b)
- $ret .= int_to_dword(0); // number of important colour (4b)
- // image data
- $cc=$colorcount;
- $sl1=strlen($ret);
- if($cc==0) $cc=256;
- if($bitcount<24)
- {
- $colortotal=imagecolorstotal($img);
- if($istransparent) $colortotal--;
- for($p=0;$p<$colortotal;$p++)
- {
- $color=imagecolorsforindex($img,$p);
- $ret.=inttobyte($color["blue"]);
- $ret.=inttobyte($color["green"]);
- $ret.=inttobyte($color["red"]);
- $ret.=inttobyte(0); //reserved
- };
- $ct=$colortotal;
- for($p=$colortotal;$p<$cc;$p++)
- {
- $ret.=inttobyte(0);
- $ret.=inttobyte(0);
- $ret.=inttobyte(0);
- $ret.=inttobyte(0); //reserved
- };
- };
- if($bitcount<=8)
- {
- for($y=$height-1;$y>=0;$y--)
- {
- $bwrite="";
- for($x=0;$x<$width;$x++)
- {
- $color=imagecolorat($img,$x,$y);
- $bwrite.=decbinx($color,$bitcount);
- if(strlen($bwrite)==8)
- {
- $retd.=inttobyte(bindec($bwrite));
- $bwrite="";
- };
- };
- if((strlen($bwrite)<8)and(strlen($bwrite)!=0))
- {
- $sl=strlen($bwrite);
- for($t=0;$t<8-$sl;$t++)
- $sl.="0";
- $retd.=inttobyte(bindec($bwrite));
- };
- for($z=0;$z<$zbytek;$z++)
- $retd.=inttobyte(0);
- };
- };
- if(($rle==1)and($bitcount==8))
- {
- for($t=0;$t<strlen($retd);$t+=4)
- {
- if($t!=0)
- if(($t)%$width==0)
- $ret.=chr(0).chr(0);
- if(($t+5)%$width==0)
- {
- $ret.=chr(0).chr(5).substr($retd,$t,5).chr(0);
- $t+=1;
- }
- if(($t+6)%$width==0)
- {
- $ret.=chr(0).chr(6).substr($retd,$t,6);
- $t+=2;
- }
- else
- {
- $ret.=chr(0).chr(4).substr($retd,$t,4);
- };
- };
- $ret.=chr(0).chr(1);
- }
- else
- {
- $ret.=$retd;
- };
- if($bitcount==24)
- {
- for($z=0;$z<$zbytek;$z++)
- $dopl.=chr(0);
- for($y=$height-1;$y>=0;$y--)
- {
- for($x=0;$x<$width;$x++)
- {
- $color=imagecolorsforindex($img,imagecolorat($img,$x,$y));
- $ret.=chr($color["blue"]).chr($color["green"]).chr($color["red"]);
- }
- $ret.=$dopl;
- };
- };
- if($file!="")
- {
- $r=($f=fopen($file,"w"));
- $r=$r and fwrite($f,$ret);
- $r=$r and fclose($f);
- return $r;
- }
- else
- {
- echo $ret;
- };
- };
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------
- * imagecreatefrombmp
- *------------------------------------------------------------
- * - reads image from a bmp file
- *
- * parameters: $file - target file to load
- *
- * returns: image id
- */
- function imagecreatefrombmp($file)
- {
- global $currentbit, $echomode;
- $f=fopen($file,"r");
- $header=fread($f,2);
- if($header=="bm")
- {
- $size=freaddword($f);
- $reserved1=freadword($f);
- $reserved2=freadword($f);
- $firstbyteofimage=freaddword($f);
- $sizebitmapinfoheader=freaddword($f);
- $width=freaddword($f);
- $height=freaddword($f);
- $biplanes=freadword($f);
- $bibitcount=freadword($f);
- $rlecompression=freaddword($f);
- $widthxheight=freaddword($f);
- $bixpelspermeter=freaddword($f);
- $biypelspermeter=freaddword($f);
- $numberofpalettesused=freaddword($f);
- $numberofimportantcolors=freaddword($f);
- if($bibitcount<24)
- {
- $img=imagecreate($width,$height);
- $colors=pow(2,$bibitcount);
- for($p=0;$p<$colors;$p++)
- {
- $b=freadbyte($f);
- $g=freadbyte($f);
- $r=freadbyte($f);
- $reserved=freadbyte($f);
- $palette[]=imagecolorallocate($img,$r,$g,$b);
- };
- if($rlecompression==0)
- {
- $zbytek=(4-ceil(($width/(8/$bibitcount)))%4)%4;
- for($y=$height-1;$y>=0;$y--)
- {
- $currentbit=0;
- for($x=0;$x<$width;$x++)
- {
- $c=freadbits($f,$bibitcount);
- imagesetpixel($img,$x,$y,$palette[$c]);
- };
- if($currentbit!=0) {freadbyte($f);};
- for($g=0;$g<$zbytek;$g++)
- freadbyte($f);
- };
- };
- };
- if($rlecompression==1) //$bi_rle8
- {
- $y=$height;
- $pocetb=0;
- while(true)
- {
- $y--;
- $prefix=freadbyte($f);
- $suffix=freadbyte($f);
- $pocetb+=2;
- $echoit=false;
- if($echoit)echo "prefix: $prefix suffix: $suffix<br>";
- if(($prefix==0)and($suffix==1)) break;
- if(feof($f)) break;
- while(!(($prefix==0)and($suffix==0)))
- {
- if($prefix==0)
- {
- $pocet=$suffix;
- $data.=fread($f,$pocet);
- $pocetb+=$pocet;
- if($pocetb%2==1) {freadbyte($f); $pocetb++;};
- };
- if($prefix>0)
- {
- $pocet=$prefix;
- for($r=0;$r<$pocet;$r++)
- $data.=chr($suffix);
- };
- $prefix=freadbyte($f);
- $suffix=freadbyte($f);
- $pocetb+=2;
- if($echoit) echo "prefix: $prefix suffix: $suffix<br>";
- };
- for($x=0;$x<strlen($data);$x++)
- {
- imagesetpixel($img,$x,$y,$palette[ord($data[$x])]);
- };
- $data="";
- };
- };
- if($rlecompression==2) //$bi_rle4
- {
- $y=$height;
- $pocetb=0;
- /*while(!feof($f))
- echo freadbyte($f)."_".freadbyte($f)."<br>";*/
- while(true)
- {
- //break;
- $y--;
- $prefix=freadbyte($f);
- $suffix=freadbyte($f);
- $pocetb+=2;
- $echoit=false;
- if($echoit)echo "prefix: $prefix suffix: $suffix<br>";
- if(($prefix==0)and($suffix==1)) break;
- if(feof($f)) break;
- while(!(($prefix==0)and($suffix==0)))
- {
- if($prefix==0)
- {
- $pocet=$suffix;
- $currentbit=0;
- for($h=0;$h<$pocet;$h++)
- $data.=chr(freadbits($f,4));
- if($currentbit!=0) freadbits($f,4);
- $pocetb+=ceil(($pocet/2));
- if($pocetb%2==1) {freadbyte($f); $pocetb++;};
- };
- if($prefix>0)
- {
- $pocet=$prefix;
- $i=0;
- for($r=0;$r<$pocet;$r++)
- {
- if($i%2==0)
- {
- $data.=chr($suffix%16);
- }
- else
- {
- $data.=chr(floor($suffix/16));
- };
- $i++;
- };
- };
- $prefix=freadbyte($f);
- $suffix=freadbyte($f);
- $pocetb+=2;
- if($echoit) echo "prefix: $prefix suffix: $suffix<br>";
- };
- for($x=0;$x<strlen($data);$x++)
- {
- imagesetpixel($img,$x,$y,$palette[ord($data[$x])]);
- };
- $data="";
- };
- };
- if($bibitcount==24)
- {
- $img=imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);
- $zbytek=$width%4;
- for($y=$height-1;$y>=0;$y--)
- {
- for($x=0;$x<$width;$x++)
- {
- $b=freadbyte($f);
- $g=freadbyte($f);
- $r=freadbyte($f);
- $color=imagecolorexact($img,$r,$g,$b);
- if($color==-1) $color=imagecolorallocate($img,$r,$g,$b);
- imagesetpixel($img,$x,$y,$color);
- }
- for($z=0;$z<$zbytek;$z++)
- freadbyte($f);
- };
- };
- return $img;
- };
- fclose($f);
- };
- /*
- * helping functions:
- *-------------------------
- *
- * freadbyte($file) - reads 1 byte from $file
- * freadword($file) - reads 2 bytes (1 word) from $file
- * freaddword($file) - reads 4 bytes (1 dword) from $file
- * freadlngint($file) - same as freaddword($file)
- * decbin8($d) - returns binary string of d zero filled to 8
- * retbits($byte,$start,$len) - returns bits $start->$start+$len from $byte
- * freadbits($file,$count) - reads next $count bits from $file
- * rgbtohex($r,$g,$b) - convert $r, $g, $b to hex
- * int_to_dword($n) - returns 4 byte representation of $n
- * int_to_word($n) - returns 2 byte representation of $n
- */
- function freadbyte($f)
- {
- return ord(fread($f,1));
- };
- function freadword($f)
- {
- $b1=freadbyte($f);
- $b2=freadbyte($f);
- return $b2*256+$b1;
- };
- function freadlngint($f)
- {
- return freaddword($f);
- };
- function freaddword($f)
- {
- $b1=freadword($f);
- $b2=freadword($f);
- return $b2*65536+$b1;
- };
- function retbits($byte,$start,$len)
- {
- $bin=decbin8($byte);
- $r=bindec(substr($bin,$start,$len));
- return $r;
- };
- $currentbit=0;
- function freadbits($f,$count)
- {
- global $currentbit,$smode;
- $byte=freadbyte($f);
- $lastcbit=$currentbit;
- $currentbit+=$count;
- if($currentbit==8)
- {
- $currentbit=0;
- }
- else
- {
- fseek($f,ftell($f)-1);
- };
- return retbits($byte,$lastcbit,$count);
- };
- function rgbtohex($red,$green,$blue)
- {
- $hred=dechex($red);if(strlen($hred)==1) $hred="0$hred";
- $hgreen=dechex($green);if(strlen($hgreen)==1) $hgreen="0$hgreen";
- $hblue=dechex($blue);if(strlen($hblue)==1) $hblue="0$hblue";
- return($hred.$hgreen.$hblue);
- };
- function int_to_dword($n)
- {
- return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255).chr(($n >> 16) & 255).chr(($n >> 24) & 255);
- }
- function int_to_word($n)
- {
- return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255);
- }
- function decbin8($d)
- {
- return decbinx($d,8);
- };
- function decbinx($d,$n)
- {
- $bin=decbin($d);
- $sbin=strlen($bin);
- for($j=0;$j<$n-$sbin;$j++)
- $bin="0$bin";
- return $bin;
- };
- function inttobyte($n)
- {//开源代码phpfensi.com
- return chr($n);
- };
- //实例方法,代码如下:
- include_once('bmp.php');
- $image=imagecreatefrombmp('a.bmp');
- imagejpeg($image,'a.jpeg');
- imagedestroy($image);